Revitalize Your Vitality

Embark on a journey to wellness through Professional Care and Bioresonance Technology.

Genesis Wellness

About Us

Genesis Wellness, a sanctuary for health and well-being nestled in the heart of Singapore. Our mission is simple yet profound: to nurture a Healthy Body for a Happy Life.

Holistic Healing Approach

Mind-Body Harmony

Our holistic approach combines Professional Care with Bioresonance Technology to promote harmonious mind-body balance. Genesis Wellness will guide you on a path to holistic health and vitality.

Professional Care

Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance Therapy is highly suitable for the following groups of people:

Suboptimal Health

High blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugars, obesity, insomnia, forgetfulness, constipation, thyroid nodules, varicose veins, radiation damage.

Chronic Diseases

Urticaria, asthma, gout, stroke, pulmonary fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, lung/kidney/gastritis, arthropathy.

Postpartum Recovery

Qi and blood deficiency, reproductive tract relaxation, pelvic floor muscle relaxation, uterine prolapse, stretch marks, caesarean section scars.

Women’s Health

Breast nodules, gynaecological inflammation, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, menstrual disorders, rough skin.

Man’s Health

Prostatitis, low sperm motility, sexual dysfunction, kidney deficiency, fatigue.

Children’s Health

Weak constitution, anorexia, low immunity, atopic dermatitis, anaemia, gastrointestinal inflammation.

Bioresonance Technology

Bioresonance Vitality Chip Chamber

At the heart of our services is the Bioresonance Vitality Chip Chamber, a revolutionary technology based on the principles of energy medicine and cell information. This advanced system employs six major technologies: Bioresonance Technology (Core), Photon Skin Rejuvenation Technology, Nanowave Technology, Graphene Technology, Rotating Magnetic Technology, and Jade Technology. Together, these technologies work in synergy to correct the body’s cellular magnetic field, provide sub-high temperature cell hyperthermia, and supplement cellular energy.

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